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This kit arrives factory terminated with end seal and power connection. You don't have to seal the cable ends or connect your power cord (unless hardwire option is selected). 


Video: What to expect when ordering cable by the foot!


MultiTrace® Self-Regulating Heating Cables for all your Pipe Freeze Protection and Roof/Gutter needs. Drexan HeatTracer MultiTrace is designed to serve the demands of the Commercial, Residential and Industrial non-hazardous market.

120v Drexan Self-Regulating Heat Cable Kit

PriceFrom $69.50
    • Watts per foot: 5w, 8w, 10w
    • Length: 10 - 210 ft. (10 foot increments)
    • Plug Options: Hardwire, Plug, Plug with GFEP
    • 5 watt: 210 feet
    • 8 watt: 160 feet
    • 10 watt: 150 feet

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